Reclaiming His Omega Read online

Page 14

  I switched my weight over to one hand and slid my free hand under Miles’s ass, fingering his crease and sliding down to his wet hole. Miles instinctively brought his knees up to his chest, presenting himself to me, and I had to clamp down on the base of my cock before I blew too early, the sight of him so ready for me, the trust he handed me nearly enough to bring me to completion with just the bare touch of his skin on mine.

  When the danger passed, I brought my hand back to his entrance, brushing my thumb across the sensitive skin of his hole before bending it at that first knuckle and pressing in, stretching the side of his entrance. I could see Miles’s body fall limp at my touch, and a grin stretched across my face. He was so responsive. He always had been. I slid my thumb further in, my hand sliding up his ass, and I squeezed my fingers together, fingers outside, thumb inside. Miles tried to wiggle away, perhaps finding the sensation too intense, but I had a firm grip on him and just pressed in more firmly, pulsing my grip and driving a rhythm of gasps from him in time with my movements.

  I wanted to say something, anything, to somehow share with Miles the emotions that were tying my brain up in knots, but everything I thought of seemed so inadequate that it would just weaken this moment building between us. I switched my hand around to slid my middle and ring finger into him, scissoring them to stretch him, and pressed upward to capture his lips in a kiss.

  “I’m yours,” I said against his mouth, finally discovering the only words that belonged to us right now.

  “Show me,” Miles commanded, his eyes bright and fiery. “Mate me.”

  I blinked in shock. “Are—are you sure?” I stammered. My whole body had gone still. Not in fear, but in terrible, selfish anticipation. I hadn’t dared dream of claiming Miles, of making him mine, forever, but right now, I couldn’t think of anything else I wanted it so badly.

  Miles sat up, and my fingers slipped from him, but I grasped onto his thighs, our faces barely inches from each other.

  “We’re just really emotional now, and maybe we aren’t making the best decisions—”

  “Parker. The only thing that ever made me think I was glad we weren’t mated was that I thought you left. Over the years, I convinced myself that you’d grown flabby and nasty, that you were a curmudgeonly asshole who played golf on the weekends and had four kids and a broken marriage. I did everything I could to keep myself from still wanting you. And then you came back into my life and you were just as handsome, as charming, as caring as ever. And I realized that while we might have grown up and changed, the core of who we are as individuals hasn’t. The core of what we were together is still there. I want that. I want you. Forever.”

  Tears burned in my eyes and against the back of my throat. “I want that so much, I’m terrified.”

  “You think I’m not? But you know what terrifies me more? Thinking of somehow missing our chance again. The idea of that sends shivers into my bones. Knot me. Mate me.”

  I swallowed past the gargantuan lump in my throat, unable to speak, and nodded. I pressed Miles down to the bed with a kiss, and when he started to turn over to his stomach, I pulled him back. It was traditional to mate from behind, with easier access to the omega’s shoulder and neck, but I needed to see Miles’s face. If he had one moment of regret, of hesitation, I needed to see it. Maybe he understood, because he didn’t fight me. He just relaxed back into the pillows and wrapped his legs around my waist and pulled me forward.

  “Let’s stop waiting,” he said, grabbing my hand and kissing my knuckles. I pulled back to do the same to his then released his hand to grasp my length and guide it into Miles. He grasped his knees and pulled them up again, spreading himself wide. I wanted to wait, to appreciate every centimeter of his body before moving forward, but I knew that a large part of that urge was hesitation, it was fear, and I could no longer listen to fear when it came to Miles. Watching my cock slide into Miles’s body, every inch a reminder of his acceptance and forgiveness, was a holy experience. I felt like a new man, my guilt washed away in his love.

  Miles’s hand grasped the hair at the back of my head and pulled me down into a worshipful kiss, and then he started undulating underneath me, encouraging me to take the next step forward in claiming him. I broke the kiss and leaned back, wrapping my fingers around his thighs, my gaze burning into his. I barely blinked as I began thrusting in and out of him, waiting and fearing the least flicker of regret, but Miles’s smile was beatific, his hands brushed against whatever part of my body he could reach in constant encouragement.

  Each time I thrust forward, my knot pressed a little further inside of him, and with a final jerk forward and a growl, I buried my knot in him, falling over his body to sink my teeth into the skin of his shoulder, his scream of ecstasy a song in my ear as I felt him clench around me, pulling every last drop of cum from me as I fell into a white hot blaze of pleasure in the longest orgasm of my life. My ears buzzed, my limbs went weak, and then everything went black.




  I was mated.


  As Parker lay on me, connected to me in the most beautiful way possible, I focused on staying awake and savoring the moment. Anyone seeing us, wrecked, our eyes lidded and cum oozing between our chests, would probably not have described us or any of this as beautiful, but it was.

  His knot in me, connecting us together finally, after all these years. And this time, connecting us forever. We were mated. I still couldn’t wrap my head around that. It it felt so incredibly right, perfect, as if this time was created for it. Maybe we had needed those years apart to grow into the men we needed to be.

  Sure, I still had some growing to do, or regression, possibly. Somehow, I had allowed myself to fall back into my parents’ omega expectations too easily, the ones I had fought from the get go. My confidence had been bolstered by the strong alpha who declared me his in the most important way—through his actions. I made a silent commitment to us both that I was going to get my license to practice law here, even if it meant taking a new bar or fighting my old firm that took the word of alphas over an omega for no other reason other than it fit the stereotype they bought in to. Shit, even I had started to fall into believing it.

  “Am I squishing you?” Parker mumbled against my skin.

  The intimacy of hearing him speak so comfortably made me shiver, and it was all I could do not to ask him to say it again. I hadn’t seen him like this since before the accident, so relaxed that he just truly was, without all of the over thinking.

  “You’re perfect right where you are.” The thought of us contorting our bodies so he could be behind me left a bitter taste in my mouth. There were times where that would be perfect and natural, but right now, feeling his breath on my face and his weight on me was everything. “Go to sleep, love.” I reached up and caressed his face gently.

  “Trying to savor this moment.” His eyes betrayed him as they stayed closed longer and longer with each blink.

  “Me too.” I allowed my eyes to flutter closed and stay that way. “But I'm losing the battle.”

  “So we both sleep?” he asked after an extended pause. He was going to be sleeping within minutes no matter what.


  He nuzzled into my neck, kissing his mark on my skin.

  “Love you,” I whispered in his ear as he allowed his head to rest in the crux of my neck.

  “Love you,” he echoed before giving in to slumber.

  I laid there listening to his breath until I too, gave in.

  When I awoke, nestled into his chest, his arms wrapped around me tightly as his light snoring filled my ears, all I could do was feel. Feel the joy of knowing we had a new start, the love I always held for this man no longer buried deep in an act of self-preservation, and hope for our future, one we had officially cast together. Life. Was. Good.

  The call to use the facility became too strong for me to ignore and I attempted to sneak out from under his arm, but that resulted wit
h me landing in a sprawl on the floor and Parker wide awake.

  “Miles? You all right?” He bound off the bed, landing at my side just in time to hear me belting out in laughter.

  “All but my ego.”

  “Did I kick you?” Somehow he missed the memo that laughing meant no assaults, even those of his slumber, had occurred.

  “No.” I stood up to show him I was truly fine. “I was trying to be stealthy but it didn’t quite work.”

  “I see that.” He climbed up from the floor and I didn’t even pretend not to ogle him. He was now mine, after all. He just shook his head in mirth. “Kind of reminds me of that time we went to the—“

  He didn’t need to continue for me to know where he was going with that story. A guy tries to give one surreptitious public blow job under a table just once, and he never lives it down. The fact that I managed to knock over the entire table before I even got to his button was completely irrelevant.

  “Unnecessary trips down memory lane are postponed until further notice,” I scolded. I imagined we were going to spend many nights doing just that, and I looked forward to them, especially the ones that didn’t include me breaking an entire set of silverware during the dinner rush.

  His phone began to ring.

  “Looks like that is my cue to take care of business while you answer that. Love you, alpha.” I was already halfway to the bathroom, having waited much longer than I should’ve.

  “Say that again when you come back,” he called, not even pretending to get his phone.

  “I plan to say it often,” I said over my shoulder with a wink, imagining all the best times to call him alpha, the majority of them dirty. “Now answer that damn phone.”

  I shut the door behind me just as I heard him answer with a curt, frustrated, “What?”



  Even as I realized that Lisa was calling with some legitimate work issues, appointments I would have to cancel to take the day off, for example, I couldn't help but resent anything that drew my attention away from Miles. Sooner or later I would have to find a balance, but for one day, for one single day, I was going to let myself be selfish.

  I hung up as Miles walked back into the room and tackled him as he slid under the sheets, attacking him with kisses and groping hands that turned into tickling hands, Miles's gasps of laughter lifting my heart lighter than I could ever remember feeling in my life.

  Finally, I collapsed on the bed next to him and pulled him against my side, his head nestled on my shoulder and under my chin. "I've taken the day off," I informed him. “We need to go shopping, for one. I love you in my clothes, but I'm sure things that actually fit would be more comfortable. And we should probably stock up on real kitchen supplies. Decent coffee, for instance."

  "Whoa, whoa, whoa." Miles's head popped up. "What's this about clothes? You're not dragging me to some fancy work shindigs, are you?"

  "No. Well, not right away. I'm sure there will be some, and I'd love for you to attend with me, but just regular clothes."

  Miles looked down on me in confusion. "What's wrong with the clothes I have?"

  "Well, you only have the one outfit, and it's fairly dressy. Don't you want some sweats or basketball shorts? And regular just going out clothes. Jeans and t-shirts."

  "I have plenty of clothes," Miles said. "And you're right, I will need them." A goofy grin crossed his face. "Is this your way of asking me to move in?"

  I pushed myself up to my elbows so that we were at eye level. "I kind of thought that was part of what 'mating' implied," I grumbled.

  He kissed the top of my nose. "I was kidding. Did you want to go pick my stuff up today, or do you want me to go while you're at work tomorrow."

  That made me push myself all the way up. "There’s no way you’re facing your parents’ poison. Unless there's anything you're emotionally attached to, we can just buy you a new wardrobe."

  Miles rolled his eyes. "Be sensible, Parker. You want to buy me a new computer, too? Headphones, shoes, books, tablet, car, etc.?"

  I nodded seriously. Miles wasn't grasping how vehemently I rejected the idea of putting him in a situation where his parents could hurt him again, even if it was only with their words. And after the revelations of the night before, I was terrified they would say something to take him away from me again, even though we were mated now.

  Miles's expression passed through incredulousness and landed on consternation. "No. You are not wasting your money on all that when everything I have is perfectly usable and easily accessible."

  "Is it?" I growled.

  A new expression, worry, crossed his eyes. "It is possible that my dad would call for a cleaning service and toss all my stuff in a fit of anger, but unlikely. In fact, if we go now, we can probably collect it all before he has time for the thought to cross his mind."

  I pulled Miles into my arms. "You're sure you won't let me just replace it all?"

  "Absolutely not," Miles said. "We aren't starting... restarting our relationship with such a crazy power indifference."

  "It's not a power indifference," I protested. "Everything I have is yours."

  Miles rested a hand against my cheek. "I'm grateful you see it that way, but this is still new for us. Yes, we have a history, but it's one that makes me want to make extra sure neither of us feels like we are taking advantage of the other, that we respect everything we give each other. In a few years, I'm sure we'll have fully integrated into that whole mindset of 'what's mine is yours and what's yours is mine,' but I don't think we can jump right into it. I would feel like I was in your debt if I let you just buy me all new things."

  I could argue with him, I could argue anything, it was a special talent of mine, but I wouldn't. I wanted Miles to feel comfortable with the dynamics between us. Pushing my way wouldn't do that.

  "Fine," I grumbled. "But at the first sign your parents are going to start in on you, we're out."

  "How about you wait for a sign from me to get us out? I've put up with their shit for a long time. If it's anyone's place to say something, it should be me. I've let them walk over me for so long. Yes, it is your position to protect me when I need it. But it's my responsibility to protect myself as well. And I'm starting today."

  Miles was absolutely right. I'd been waiting for him to take that stance toward his parents for years, but seeing it firsthand made me want to build a wall between Miles and his parents. Hell, I'd be the wall if I needed to. But he was right. The healthier approach was for him to own that relationship, to claim his space. I wouldn't begrudge him that.

  "So did you want to go with me?"

  His words were teasing, but they broke me out of my reverie. "What kind of idiotic question is that? Just let me shower and grab some clothes. I'll get Linda to call us a truck and some movers."

  Miles smacked my ass as I rolled out of bed. I cast a look of warning promise over my shoulder as I headed for the bathroom. "Don't start something you aren't intending to finish."

  He jumped up after me. "Oh, I'll finish things all right..."



  The last thing I wanted to do on our first day mated was to spend time with my parents, even if it meant having access to my own things, especially on what I was sure was going to be a rare day off for Parker. Parker was right, though, that I would be more comfortable in clothes of my own, and I really didn’t want Parker wasting his money on brand new stuff. But with every passing moment, the idea that my parents were either donating my things or putting them into an expensive storage unit seemed more probable.

  They would mean for it to teach me a lesson. All it would manage to do was to push me further away. As much as they had been awful to me in recently, I still held onto the happy memories that were my childhood, as sick as that was, and I wanted us to get back to those times. After discovering what I did the night before, I hesitated to even imagine it possible. I’m sure in their mind they had their reasons, but nothing could justify what they’d do
ne to me, to both of us.

  We pulled up to the curb and a small moving truck pulled behind us.

  “Did you really need to do that? It’s not like I have a ton of things.” I failed to mention that I had sold all my furniture before coming back home with my tail between my legs. It would only rile him up further, and he was already far too close to the edge.

  “I did,” he said. I had been taught that alphas were hormonally driven to protect and take care of their mates in school during sex ed, but I had thought it was more of a give the alphas an excuse to be asshats than anything else until now.

  I reached for my door handle just as the front door of the house swung open. How had neither of us seen my dad?

  “Out,” he commanded, and I scampered to do so like I was twelve years old again. To my surprise, Parker was already at my side by the time my door closed. He must have run around the car, but the composure on his face hid it well.

  “Mr. Schofield, nice to see you again.” Parker was such a liar, but his hand extended, and my dad reached out as well, both of them with their game face on.

  “I take it this truck means you are moving out.” Dad barely glanced at me, but I had to look away from his disappointed stance. I didn’t need his approval anymore.

  The curtain moved in the center window. Why didn’t Mother just come out and see me, too? Not that I wanted to see her, but her avoidance was cowardly. She couldn’t know that I had uncovered her secret since she didn’t know that it was Parker I’d been with back then. Part of me wanted to face her, to confront her with what I knew, while the other part of me wanted to just grab my stuff and run.