His Manny Omega Page 10
“No, Grandpa, I didn’t.” Chloe was in his arms, her face very serious.
“Isn’t that little fur ball yours?” Marv looked down to where the little panting fluff was anxiously waiting his Chloe’s return to the ground, probably hoping for another bit of toast, the crumbs on his face giving away someone’s weakness for the dog. My money was on Wyatt. “Was he your birthday wish?”
“Yes, Grandpa, but I wished for something bigger.” She leaned in, whispering. I couldn’t get the girl to use an inside voice to save my life and now that I wanted to hear her, she was quiet as a mouse. Figures. When she was done, she pulled back, looking her grandfather in the eye, biting the tip of her tongue the way she did when she was thinking too hard. Whatever she wanted must be big.
“Oh, I see.” The grown man looked like a helpless child as he grasped for the right words. I would need to ask Wyatt to see if he could find out what was on Chloe’s mind, if for no other reason, we could be aware. “Well, grown-ups need to deal with that stuff. Us kids just need to see where the cards fall.”
“Oliver says to always pick things if they fall down.” She shook her little finger. “And you are a grown-up.”
“True and true.” He kissed her forehead before placing her down on the porch next to Sprinkles.
“Give your dad and Oliver a hug and I will get you buckled in and Grandpa can give your dad all the things he needs to know about our trip,” her grandmother instructed. She must’ve been the one wanting to leave early, because she was ready to go.
Chloe hugged us both before tearing down the steps to the car, Joan giving Wyatt and I quick hugs before joining her.
“Abridged version—” Marv said “—you should have all the info for the hotel and such here.” He handed him a folder. Darn, they were organized. “Call if you need anything. We promise to take all the pictures. That covers it.”
Worked for me and, from the look on Wyatt’s face as he perused the folder, it worked for him, too.
“Did you get the insurance card and letter?” Joan called from beside the car, Wyatt responding by pulling out an envelope from his back pocket and handing it to his dad.
“Of course, dear,” Marv called back before turning to us. “Bye, son. Nice to meet you, Oliver.” He started to leave before turning back to me, “And Oliver?”
“Yes, sir?”
“What she didn’t get for her birthday wish? It was you being her dad. As I see it, you guys have a full week to work on that.” He winked. The old man winked. “Have a good heat, boys.” He walked to the car, climbed inside, and drove off. Between Chloe’s reveal and his dad wanting us to move on it, I was flabbergasted.
“I might have told him about us,” Wyatt broke the silence as they turned the corner. He had told them about us. My heart was soaring. I wasn’t a dirty little secret. I was something more. I leaned over and pulled him into a hug. “Shit,” he mumbled into my neck.
“Yeah.” He pulled back enough to see my face as he spoke. “Dad was right.”
“Right about…” Another wave of nausea hit me. Shit was right. I was going into heat. Freaking more than a month early.
Now that I had noticed it, I couldn’t get enough of it. Oliver’s honey and lavender scent had taken on a spicy undertone and his skin was warmer than normal underneath my hands.
“Shit, I’m so sorry, Wyatt! What with Chloe’s birthday and not expecting my heat yet, I haven’t made an appointment with a new doctor. And I definitely can’t go back on those suppressants, even if they did work."
"Shh, shh." I rubbed my hands up and down Oliver's arms, automatically trying to sooth him. "Let's get inside so we can talk." Sprinkles danced around our feet and followed us inside.
I pulled Oliver along with me, and when he tried to sit next to me on the couch, I pulled him into my lap.
"I know we had plans," Oliver babbled. "If it would be easier, I can get a hotel room for the week or whatever. Whatever works best for you. I'm so sorry I'm ruining our week."
"Why should our week be ruined?" I kept my voice deliberately calm and soothing. "We had plans, yes, but I don't see why they can't be adjusted."
"But, I don't want to push you—I'm going to need—"
I knew what he was dancing around saying. He'd need me to knot him. I shouldn't have been surprised that Oliver picked up on my desire to take it slow without me saying anything. But if this was going to be a real relationship, with all the responsibilities and benefits that entailed, it wasn't just about what I wanted, but about what Oliver needed. Though as his scent intensified with each moment, the need to be in him grew stronger.
"I'll take care of you," I said, and the words recalled to mind the fantasy that had become my go-to in the shower, of bringing Oliver to the edge of an orgasm with my hands and tongue before taking him and knotting him. I swallowed past the giant lump that had suddenly formed in my throat. "We have a little while before the worst of it hits. Why don't we make the most of it? Go on up to my room and make yourself comfortable. I'll be right up."
Oliver nodded and did as I suggested while I disappeared into the kitchen to grab a pile of water bottles and easy to grab snacks. We were going to need them. Sprinkles danced around my feet and I realized I needed to do something with him. I dialed Sally.
“Hey, would you mind coming over to the house and grabbing Sprinkles to put him in overnight care? The back door will be unlocked. Something, ah, came up.”
“Of course,” she said. “You want me to come over now?”
“That would be great.” It would be less embarrassing now than if she came over once Oliver’s heat was in full swing and his scent filled the entire house. Not that heats should be embarrassing, but they should be intimate.
“Just lock the door behind you when you leave.”
Thankfully, she didn’t ask for any more information.
Oliver was pacing in my room, and as I reached my door, he jerked his shirt off as if it had offended him. He froze when he noticed my eyes on him. "I'm burning up," he explained.
"You don't need an excuse to strip in front of me," I teased, setting the supplies on top of a side table. I approached him slowly, enjoying my view. I hadn't had many chances to take my time looking Oliver over, clothed or unclothed. I reached him and traced a line down the center of his abs. He trembled beneath my touch. I smoothed my hands up to his shoulders and pushed back gently until he sat on my bed. "I like you like this."
"Are you sure?" Oliver asked.
"Why wouldn't I be sure?" I stepped between Oliver's legs and pulled his hands around my ass. They each grabbed a handful before loosening tentatively. "But this is your first time with a man."
I bent down to capture Oliver's lips. "And I have been imagining this for months. Don't slow down on my account, Oliver. I need you. I want you. If you want me to take you to a hotel, I will. But know that if it were up to me, I'd ride this heat out with you. Do my best to make it bearable.
I could see the thoughts running with difficulty behind his eyes. Heat was hard on the upper faculties, but he wasn't too far gone. Yet. I could trust him to make an informed decision.
And then he was on me, his legs wrapped around my hips, his mouth devouring me with an energy that had been suppressed until now. I met his ferocity, our tongues dancing against each other. I turned around to sit on the bed and Oliver used it to leverage himself better, grinding against my growing erection. I broke away to ask, "Is that a yes?"
"Do I need to say it?" he gasped through kisses down my neck.
"I would like it, yes. I don't want any confusion between us."
"Yes, Oliver. I want whatever you can give me."
The first wave of heat was ramping up. His skin was growing hotter by the second. I stood and threw him onto the bed, then crawled on top of him. He was sexier than I imagined, half naked, burning with need.
"It goes easier for me if you knot me hard and fa
st soon. We'll have more time to explore each other between waves."
I leaned down and took his nipple between my lips, swirling my tongue around it as he arched off the bed and then letting it slide out with a pop. I hated that he had been through enough heats with someone that he had...expectations. Patterns. Not that I would wish him the pain of an unassisted and unmedicated heat, but I couldn't help but wish I'd been the first. But then, he wasn't mine, so maybe it was better this way. More equal.
"I can't just take you without some build up, Oliver. You're worth my time." A tear squeezed from his eye and I leaned forward to kiss it away. "What is that for?"
"You're so different."
I knew he was talking about the asshole he'd been with previously. He never talked about him, but after getting to know Oliver, I had formed some thoughts of my own.
"With him, there was always this expectation of getting pregnant."
I connected the unsaid dots. "But now you know you can’t, so that expectation is off the table. Does that make it easier?”
"I don't know. Maybe. I don't know if I can talk about this right now."
"I need to talk about it a little bit, Oliver." I was braced over him, holding back. "If the reason you say it is easier if I make it quick the first time is that it took away that first expectation for a pregnancy, then I'd like to try something different. We're not trying for children now. This is a natural process for your body, and I want to make it easier on you. I want to make it as pleasurable as possible. Can you trust me to take the lead? If at any time, what I'm doing isn't working for you, you need only tell me."
Slowly, Oliver nodded.
"I don't want you stressing about any expectations, real or perceived, ancient history or new. You've given me so much. Let me give you this time. Let me take care of you."
I stepped off the bed and slowly undressed first. As vulnerable as I was feeling in this moment, Oliver must be feeling even more so, between the hormonal turmoil of heat damage the previous alpha caused. I refused to refer to him as Oliver's alpha. He didn't deserve the title. I bared my body first, so that Oliver was never more vulnerable than I by any action of mine.
His eyes followed my hands with the same focused intensity he gave learning every new thing. I'd seen the look in his eyes when listening to Chloe and when I'd shown him how to make the puppies’ formula. But he'd never flushed so prettily before. I'd never seen him press his hand hard against his erection for relief before. He groaned as I slipped off my boxers and started unbuttoning his own pants. I dropped to my knees beside him to help him pull them over his feet, then lay next to him, pressing our bodies tightly together but not asking for anything more than a kiss.
Oliver's hands hovered over my skin as I lazily explored his mouth, then boldly began exploring my flesh. His hands were everywhere—in my hair, on my shoulders, kneading my ass—his movements were spastic and needy, but I kept my kiss slow. This time was going to be different for him. I was going to blast every other memory of heat from his mind.
A wave of clarity slammed into me as Wyatt’s lips left my lips, lost just as quickly as his mouth descended upon my nipple. We needed to talk more, preferably without the pheromones controlling our every action. This was not the pace Wyatt wanted for our relationship, and while his promises to take care of me had my omega instincts all warm and fuzzy, it didn’t mean he was ready.
“Wait,” I said, more feebly than I planned. The desire between us was heavy on a good day, and with my heat beginning to take hold, it was at a level unlike any I’d felt before.
“What?” He pulled away, his eyes half open. The pheromones were hitting him as hard as they were hitting me. “Wait.” He repeated my word, letting me know it finally set in.
“You’re right.” I sighed and sat up, bringing my knees up to my chest.
“I don’t understand.” Hurt mixed with confusion crossed Wyatt’s face before he schooled his reaction. Of course, he was confused. We both wanted this. Bodies don’t lie.
“We need to talk.” What I left unsaid was that talking might be impossible fairly soon. I was already feeling the need to pounce on him as strongly as I had when I begged him to take me during that manic first heat, but there could be no regrets about this. Wyatt was too important.
“You don’t look like you want to talk,” he guffawed, understanding crossing his face. “But agreed.”
“Let’s shower, take care of these,” I pointed to both of our very angry looking cocks. Neither seemed impressed by our lack of touching. “And then we can make decisions.” His eyes darkened at my suggestion. Maybe a shower wasn’t a good idea. “I thought I had more time for this,” I mumbled, more to myself than to him. I had planned to talk to him about this in great length before my heat hit. I’d thought I would reserve a room at a nearby hotel alone, save him from having to find somewhere for Chloe to go. That was the last thing she would’ve needed. “I don’t want to push you.” And there was that. I wanted Wyatt in all ways, but this, this was new to him. He’d been with one woman for so long, and there was no way I wanted to push too hard and send him running. Not that his body looked like it was under any coercion now. I actively worked at not licking my lips as my eyes caught his very erect cock. This talking thing wasn’t going to work if we didn’t get to it soon.
Wyatt’s rich laughter filled the room.
“Why are you laughing?” I smacked his shoulder playfully and instantly regretted it. Touching him, even in that teasing way, had me back to wanting my hands, my lips, my teeth all over him.
“Cause I was thinking the same exact thing only about pushing you.”
Weren’t we a pair? I shook my head in response, which had the added benefit of clearing my head. Ish. Slightly. Momentarily. Okay, not much at all, but it was something.
“Let’s go quickly before I change my mind and climb on top of you.” I scampered off of the bed and headed to the bathroom, knowing if I stayed there even one moment longer I was going to do just that.
“I wouldn’t complain,” he called to me lightly, although there was no denying the truth of his words. I turned long enough to give him the “Really?” look before continuing into the bathroom. “Hey, wait for me.”
Shit, I assumed we were taking them in our own showers, but now that the misunderstanding was there I couldn’t bring myself to clarify. Within a minute I had the shower set and was climbing inside.
“This might not have been your best idea,” Wyatt groaned from the other side of the shower. “If I climb in there, I may be less than gentleman like.”
I’d never heard Wyatt like this, so filled with need and limited in self-control. Goodness help me, I loved it.
“My original plan was we took care of ourselves, in our own showers,” I confessed as my hand grabbed my cock, to alleviate some of my discomfort.
“But now you’re thinking we could do that here?”
Wait? What was he saying? Surely he wasn’t implying that we… at the same time…? Holy shit, was this man hot.
He pulled the shower open and climbed in before I could respond. Tall, naked, and so ready for whatever he had planned, for his face was all alpha. The man had plans. Good ones from the look of it.
“You, my omega, had a good idea. A very, very good idea. I think, however, it needs some modifications.”
I nodded at him, jaw dropped open, staring at him as he grabbed his cock, stroking it twice.
“Modification one is that we will both be here, as my shower is too far away. Agreed?”
I nodded, words no longer forming. Shit, talking time might be over.
“Modification number two is that I want you to tell me what you think about when you take matters into your own hands, shall we say.”
“You,” I whispered, the heat wave that was beginning to ebb taking away my inhibitions. “Always you.”
“As it should be, omega.” My cock bounced at his use of the
term. It wasn’t the first time, but it was just as powerful. “Do you want to know what I think about?”
“Yes, alpha.” Oh, how I did. I wanted to know all of the things he dreamed about so I could make them come true.
“The things you do to me when you say that.” He took my hand and placed it back on my cock as he did the same with his own. “When I am alone, I imagine your glorious body, although my imagination did you no justice. Your ass—I just want to nibble it—and in my fantasy I do.
“I start by running my hands down your back, tracing the muscles and licking and sucking along the way. Every once in a while you let out that little whimper you have, that is sexy as sin, and it only encourages me to move faster, but I don’t, I control my desires, allowing the experience to linger until I finally am on my knees, your ass in front of me.”
I stroked myself to his words, his eyes closed as he did the same to his own member. It was all I could do to not blow my load already.
“One nibble turns into two, turns into me no longer being able to take it. I spread your ass and take one lick across your weeping hole, you are so ready for me. I insert one finger and your greedy little hole sucks me in. Your whimper fills my ear and I can no longer take it, I need you in my mouth before I sate myself in you, and I pull out my finger before turning your body so that I am greeted with your cock, which I swallow in one movement as I reinsert my finger, twisting it slightly to reach where I know you want the pressure.”
Every last concern about whether he wanted me, gender and all, flew out the window as he spoke. The honesty in his words, the way his cock responded, the way his head fell back. This was doing as much for him as it was for me. I was the center of this fantasy, all his fantasies. Me. I held in my groan as I shot my load. I tried to hold it in, but with him there, naked and lust filled, it was impossible. He came right afterward, our heads falling back onto the wall of the shower at the same time.